
Quick post - I haven't forgotten!

I'm not sure if it's been a bad case of writer's block, laziness, or busy-ness..but I have been a HORRIBLE blog updater.  I started a new job over the summer and now I'm working two jobs - teaching ESL at the college, and Admin Support in Counselling Services at the university here in town. Needless to say, this first week has been ... BUSY. I'm lucky if I remember to eat. And winding down at night has been my biggest challenge. I get home around 8:30 and my goal is to be in bed and asleep by 10:30. That hasn't happened this week yet, so I need to figure out how I can wind down more effectively so I get a good night's sleep.

Another challenge has been, of course, dialysis. Not really a challenge in that it's been difficult or anything, but I need to be more organized in setting up my machine earlier in the day when I have time at home and I'm not rushing to get to bed. These are the kinks that I need to work out over the next week or so as I settle into this routine.  Right now I'm telling myself that it's for 4 months - until December. I don't NEED to do both jobs, but I am because I want to be completely debt-free by December and this gives me the means to do that.  All part of the hustle. :)

So I've been thinking off and on what I want today's blog post to be about, and I do have to admit, I'm still stumped. At first I was thinking of writing about some things that bug me about Baxter - the PD machine is too heavy. Seriously. Have they looked into that? It's ridiculous to try and travel with that beast. But overall, Baxter takes pretty good care of us.

I then thought about writing about some of the developments I've been hearing/reading about for dialysis patients:  a coffee-cup sized "kidney" being developed in the States, 3D kidneys being "printed" in Japan (sign me up!!)... These developments are exciting for kidney patients and I'm more interested in going through with one of these procedures than I am with an actual transplant. I'll look for those articles and then post them in the next couple of days.

The Kidney March starts tomorrow. It's a 3 day, 100-km walk held to raise money & awareness for kidney disease. Nick Cannon is one of the big celebrity supporters, given his history of kidney problems. He did the walk last year, but wasn't able to do it this year.  A friend of mine is a renal/transplant nurse and she's on a team that's doing their second year. So proud of them! :)

I'll try and sit down this weekend and come up with an actual post instead of just rambling thoughts!
Rachel T

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